Friday, April 13, 2007

Assistment 3.0 "pre" Release Candidate 1


Assistment 3.0 preRC1 is live! This release includes:

1.) New 3.0 User Interface (Firefox tested only)
2.) Straight-forward creation of Assistments and how they are assigned to students
3.) Teacher Class/Assignments/Roster management, including multiple teachers in a class.
4.) Student Assignments and tutoring.
5.) User profile management

Mostly this release focused on refactoring and unit/functional testing. We have a lot of work going on in other branches, almost ready to be committed to the trunk. These features include:

1.) Knowledge Component/Transfer Models. (Thanks Abe)
2.) Non-linear options for dispatching Assistments to students (Thanks Derek)
3.) Problem Types (multiple choice, fill in, algebra equivalence, etc) (Thanks Danny for the algebra equiv)
4.) Assignment and Assistment reports (Thanks Duc)
5.) User account management for admins and teachers
6.) Assistment/Assignment searching
7.) Real content, including Assistments (Thanks Abe, Jozsef, and Igor)

We will release these features as they become available, so keep your eyes open for these. Please submit any bug reports/feature requests to (make sure to select "Pre Release Candidate 1" when submitting).

Enjoy :)

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