Saturday, July 7, 2007

Assistment 0.7


Assistment 0.7 is released! We apologize for this long overdue release, but we promise you won't be disappointed! This update includes layout/data fixes, tagging of content, content creation RESTful web service, UI improvements, and the first version of the Gradebook, to name a few.

Over the next two months we will have 2-3 releases up to 1.0; these will include the effort bar, content feedback and sharing, details reports, teacher gradebook, tutor extensions, and better compatibility with Internet Explorer 6-7, and a some other new feature previews.

As always, please visit the SourceForge page to report defects or suggest new features.


PS. If any of you don't know, I am living in Seattle now and I start at Microsoft on Monday. However, since the group I'm working with has nothing to do with tutoring systems ... I'm safe to continue on the project, as I intend to do. Assistment is a one-of-a-kind project, in the tutoring world and in the web application world, and hopefully my future connections can get Assistment more public exposure.

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