Saturday, July 7, 2007

Release Hickup

Woops, there's a little issue with the data ... about a 1/3 of the Assistments don't have problem bodies, answers, hints, etc. Abe and I are working on it as we speak; we'll let you know when anything changes.

[edit] Ok, the data issue is fixed ... however the tutor will always give you the second hint when you ask for hints ... I'm not too sure why but it works fine locally ... so I'll have to look into it. [/edit]

Assistment 0.7


Assistment 0.7 is released! We apologize for this long overdue release, but we promise you won't be disappointed! This update includes layout/data fixes, tagging of content, content creation RESTful web service, UI improvements, and the first version of the Gradebook, to name a few.

Over the next two months we will have 2-3 releases up to 1.0; these will include the effort bar, content feedback and sharing, details reports, teacher gradebook, tutor extensions, and better compatibility with Internet Explorer 6-7, and a some other new feature previews.

As always, please visit the SourceForge page to report defects or suggest new features.


PS. If any of you don't know, I am living in Seattle now and I start at Microsoft on Monday. However, since the group I'm working with has nothing to do with tutoring systems ... I'm safe to continue on the project, as I intend to do. Assistment is a one-of-a-kind project, in the tutoring world and in the web application world, and hopefully my future connections can get Assistment more public exposure.