Monday, May 14, 2007

Assistment 0.6

Assistment 0.6 is out! Some of the highlighted features include:

  1. Sequence/Section Builder
  2. Smart Sections which have certain strategies of fetching the next assistment (Thanks Derek):
    1. Linear
    2. RandomChildOrder
    3. NoRepeats
    4. NumericLimit
    5. TemporalLimit
    6. ChooseOne
    7. GroupSequencesFromChild
    8. RandomIterate
  3. Visual improvements/early IE6 student tutoring
  4. Actual Assistment Data! (Thanks Abe and Jozsef!)
    1. Assistments
    2. Users
    3. Schools
    4. Classes
Also, the version numbering scheme has changed to follow the major.minor[.revision[.build]] scheme (check out for more information. We've change the previous versions too, so here's how they map:

0.1 - January Prototype
0.2 - Beta 1
0.3 - Beta 2
0.4 - preRC1
0.5 - RC1
0.6 - RC2